A History Steeped in Community Service

GSDC was formed in 1974 as a result of organizing efforts to hold banks accountable for the growing disinvestment in the Chicago Lawn neighborhood. At the time, the area was experiencing violent racial conflicts and GSDC’s early efforts were largely focused on easing racial tensions and stimulating economic investment. Today, the Chicago Lawn neighborhood reflects a diverse community and GSDC’s work over the years has contributed to the area’s continued level of economic investment.
James F. Capraro was the founder for GSDC. As a result of his leadership, GSDC implemented over half a billion in neighborhood development projects. In 2003 a “Social Compact Drill Down Study” identified and highlighted the economic strength of our neighborhood. The study demonstrated that community development created a potent countervailing force to fight neighborhood decline.
Free Workshops Strengthening Local Commerce
In 1979 GSDC sponsored the 63rd Holiday Parade, which promoted the local business district along 63rd Street. This annual event started at Tripp Avenue ending at Oakley Avenue. The purpose was to draw attention to the West Lawn retail shops as well as shops within Chicago Lawn. This parade was held annually the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
In 1983, the 63rd Street Growth Commision was born, bringing businesses together to enhance the attractiveness and to strengthen the small and moderate size business district located in our area. Joint advertising efforts, as well as business seminars and workshops are tools GSDC still uses today to promote local businesses and strategically position them within their greater markets

GSDC works to prevent disinvestment and reverse decline by positioning neighborhoods to compete for investment and maintain a mixed-income economy. GSDC’s programs and services are designed to support a healthy community; providing a wide variety of residential, commercial and industrial assistance.
Senior Living Development- A Dream Realized

Reliable senior housing
In response to Chicago Lawn’s demand for senior housing, GSDC jumped into real estate development with both feet! GSDC was able to assemble vacant and blighted lots in order to develop housing for low-income seniors. After 25 years, GSDC has completed and manages three senior housing properties. These buildings bring 170 units of independent senior housing, and 86 senior supportive living units and are anchors in the community. Well over 30 million dollars has been invested into Chicago Lawn as a result of these buildings, representing a healthy solution to revitalize 63rd Street by eliminating the blighted buildings where now seniors can live.
Housing assistance champions
Working closely with the Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) and Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP), GSDC has become directly involved in housing development and has assisted many families in the neighborhood affected by predatory loans and the threat of foreclosure. As a HUD Certified Home Counseling Center, GSDC partnered with NHS to launch the “Housing Connections
In 2001, GSDC earned the Community Development Corporation of the Year award from Chicago’s Local Initiative Support Corporation. In 2003, Chicago’s Housing Commissioner, Jack Markowski, heralded GSDC as the premier community development corporation in Chicago.
Award-winning Commitment to the Southwest Community
Metropolitan Family Services’ Community Partner Award was presented to Jim Capraro and GSDC staff in December 2004. Jim Caprano and GSDC staff were honored for their collaborative work in creating Metropolitan Family Services’ (MFS) new Childcare Center located at GSDC’s Lawn Terrace Apartments and commercial stip at 3215W. 63rd St. in Chicago. MFS Children’s Center offers children and families a learning environment that integrates the life experience of older adults.
In the spring of 2003, GSDC was selected as one of fourteen organizations by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation to lead in a comprehensive community planning and implementation process. This program, aptly named the New Communities Program, has resulted in commitments for over 80 projects and programs over the next five years on the southwest side of Chicago. To date, over 1.6 million dollars has come to the community as a result of this work.
New and strengthened relationships, allow GSDC to embrace the collaborative nature of community redevelopment beyond the usual bricks and mortar and GSDC looks forward to another 50 years of success and growth in Chicago.